Acceptable Use Policy

General Provisions of Use

This Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), integral to the Software Services Agreement, prescribes the permitted utilization of BreezyBit LLC’s (“BreezyBit”) service offerings, as well as those procured from or via BreezyBit. It is applicable to all service interactants, encompassing customers, staff, contractors, and any third parties making use of the Services. Non-compliance with this AUP may instigate prompt service cessation, legal proceedings, and the notification of infractions to the relevant authorities. BreezyBit reserves the right to unilaterally alter this AUP at any juncture without prior announcement. Terms capitalized within this AUP, not explicitly defined, bear the meanings attributed to them in the Software Services Agreement.

Unacceptable Conduct

  • System Disruption: Acts that jeopardize our system’s security, such as probing or tampering with system vulnerabilities, are prohibited.
  • Unauthorized Access: Efforts to reverse-engineer, disrupt security measures, or illicitly access the services or affiliated systems are barred.
  • Resource Strain: Activities that unduly tax BreezyBit’s infrastructure, like deploying automated systems to send excessive requests or excessively consuming system resources, contravene this AUP.

Misuse and Deception

  • Identity Misrepresentation: Falsifying one’s identity or content source, such as engaging in “spoofing” or “phishing,” is not permitted.
  • Privacy Invasions: Activities that infringe upon others’ privacy or involve the unauthorized collection of personal data are disallowed.
  • Threatening Behavior: The Services must not be used to threaten, stalk, or harass individuals.
  • Illegal Utilization: Utilizing the Services in any manner that breaches applicable laws is strictly forbidden.
  • Unauthorized Access and Scraping: Accessing service components outside of publicly sanctioned interfaces, like scraping, is not allowed.
  • Insecure Data Collection: Collecting sensitive data without enabling required security measures within the BreezyBit application is prohibited.
  • Emergency Alert Misuse: The Services should not be used for disseminating emergency alerts not related to health or safety.

Improper Communications

  • Unsolicited Communications: Generating or disseminating unsolicited messages or commercial solicitations not authorized by BreezyBit is prohibited.
  • Disparagement: Negative remarks about BreezyBit, its partners, or affiliates are not allowed.
  • Identity Concealment: Altering or falsifying communication origins is not permitted.

Inappropriate Content

  • Rights Infringement: Sharing content that infringes on the intellectual property or other rights, or that you are not authorized to share, is forbidden.
  • Offensive Material: Content that is deceptive, harmful, or promotes illegal acts, or that is discriminatory, is prohibited.
  • Malicious Software: Distributing content that contains harmful software or exploits is barred.

In this AUP, “content” encompasses all forms of media and communication utilized or provided via the Services. BreezyBit may, at its discretion, terminate or suspend a user’s service access if it deems that the user has breached this AUP, without the obligation of prior notice or assumption of liability.